Business owners need to embrace technology, not shun it

This post is going to be a hard truth and different from my other ones. This one hits a little too close to home for me and it is more of a ‘knowledge rant’ compared to being informational. With that out of the way, here we go.

Every business in this generation requires technology to operate and survive, period. From the push cart guy selling hot dogs, to fortune 500 corporations around the globe. I can not remember the last street vendor I went to that only took cash payments. The amount of technology that is needed for each business varies, of course. However, it is a fact that it is used for every company. This may be news to some as they are not in the technology field but the technology that runs these businesses are outdated and cheaply configured. This once again does not go for every business as some, not many, take into account how important the technology is to their business.

You have probably seen in the news many times about the latest company to have a data breach. In fact Astra, one of the leading security and penetration testing platforms, has stated that about 4,000 new cyber attacks happen around the world every day and every 14 seconds a business falls victim to a ransomware attack. Back in 2005, that number was under 1,000 a year! The technology itself did grow and advance in almost 20 years. However, businesses even to this day are running software that came out in 2012 or following “best business practices” that weren’t even good back in 2015.

In those news stories about data breaches and security issues, who do you always see get blamed? Is it the owner of the company? No, it is always the ‘IT Manager’ or the ‘IT Director’ that is to blame. I am here to tell you that over 80 percent of the time, that is not the case. The overwhelming majority of the time, they did the job the best they could with the resources the business owner provided them. Regardless how many times the IT Manager told the business owner that we need to improve our infrastructure or something bad will happen. This goes not only private businesses but even goes for our overall government. Technology is relied on so heavily but it does not get the care it needs.

If this does not change, we are setting ourselves up to fail. Finding a technology expert that knows how Windows server 2012 runs is getting thinner and thinner by the year. The generational shift has happened and business owners need to start seeing that. I get the argument that technology is expensive. It is a supply and demand market so it only makes sense that it is expensive. I have a post coming that dives deeper as to why technology is so expensive so keep an eye out for that soon. But, the money has to be spent to update the technology that helps businesses make money. Every company today is a “technology company” no matter how you spin it. Instead of fighting it, embrace it.

As a business owner myself, I understand that even thinking about data breaches happening to you or your business gives you a headache. Luckily, you can have someone like myself and my team have those headaches for you. As I am sure you knew that this blog post would have a pitch in it, here it is. entire business model is to help our clients focus on the business growth while we take care of the technology needed for that growth to happen. Schedule a 100% FREE forty-five minute consultation and see how much easier business technology can be!


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